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How to cook great chicken on the grill

How to cook great chicken! We recently purchased a new gas grill. After cooking on a barbeque for so many years it has taken some getting use to on my part. I love the fact that I can just walk outside, turn the knob and it is ready for grilling. So far everything I have cooked on the new grill has been well not very tasty. This weekend I was at my dad’s house that also has a grill. We grilled up some chicken breasts which were absolutely wonderful. And this is how he did it:

First turn the grill on to high for about ten minutes and let the grill warm it. Meanwhile take your chicken breasts and put them in a big bowl mix with – salt, pepper, garlic salt, poultry seasonings, and lemon pepper. Go ahead and put them on the grill, turn it down to low and walk away. Didn’t even turn them or look at them for the first half hour, after that he mixed a ratio of half butter to half water with some seasonings and used that to baste the chicken. Cooking it for another hour turning it every once in awhile. So it took about an 1 ½ hours for the chicken to cook on low, but it was perfect!

Submitted on 06/23/2007 at 9:57 PM
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