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About ActiveRecipe

As you can see this is the start of a new recipe site. The database is not full to the brim with thousands of recipes, yet! So far these are all my recipes that I have enjoyed. My hope is for this recipe site to become a stopping place for everyone one who has a question about recipes. Questions like can I re-freeze a pot roast after it has been cooked? A place for ideas when you just have no idea what's for dinner. Please feel free to email me with any questions you have or comments regarding the web site.

Recipere - to take, receive.

We don't stop to think the importance of a recipe. We pass them from friends to family we clip them from magazines or now a days look them up on the internet. But where do they come from. Recipes have a genealogy all to themselves a connection to our past. My grandma gave me a recipe for a spinach salad, but where did she get it from. Like the game telephone we played as children once it makes its way around the room is it really the same tale that it once was.

Each person puts their own stamp on a recipe making it a unique dish a dish that in the end your great grandma, mother and yourself all created. Making it a living entity that links the generations together. I hope you enjoy this site, use it, add to it and critique the recipes within making them yours, ours.

Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook

  Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook
Enclume Premier Freestanding Cookbook Holder, Hammered Steel

  Enclume Premier Freestanding Cookbook Holder, Hammered Steel
Quick from Scratch Chicken Cookbook

  Quick from Scratch Chicken Cookbook
Ultimate Slow Cooker Cookbook

  Ultimate Slow Cooker Cookbook
Best Freezer Cookbook

  Best Freezer Cookbook